Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Do women really like Axe anyway?

Have you recently seen the new commercial for Axe on television? I find it completely disturbing to be quite honest...
Axe has for a while been an extremely popular body spray for men, however I find the way it is advertised on television is very degrading towards women. When I saw the first few commercials come out on television, I didn't think much of them. However, with newer Axe commercials continously coming out, it seems like they are more and more extreme. These advertisements illustrate that when men spray their bodies with this Axe body spray, women come running from every direction, and cannot resist groping, and fondling the "Oh so good" smelling Axe man. In the latest commercial, the ad goes as far as having the man made of chocolate, where in one scene two women are licking the man's chocolate face as if they can not get enough. In a second scene, a women on a bus is sitting close to this 'Can't resist' chocolate Axe man, and ACTUALLY takes a bite from the man's butt!!!? Isn't this a bit much?
Two things come to mind when I re-watch this clip on video - 1. How far do commercials feel that have to go to sell their product? and 2. Do women actually like the smell of Axe??? Personally, I feel that Axe, or any body spray for that matter has an extremely over powerful smell that smells like a cheap version of cologne...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting analysis of ads. Also I am happy that you enjoyed the SMARTboard workshop. As far as technology is concerned, I think you are just fine. Continue to open your eyes and ears without fear. No one knows perfectly nowadays and things change very quickly. Perhaps we need to know how to find information we seek. For instance, google is my friend :)

    Keep writing!
