Monday, February 2, 2009

Exploring Media Project - 'Some of the most influential people in my life...'

BubbleShare: Share photos - Play some Online Games.

Education and learning is an extremely important part of my life. When I reflect upon the people who have made a significant impact on my life, I think of my family and friends. For the purpose of this exploring media photo album project, I have selected photos of specific individuals who have significantly contributed to who I am today - my family, my best friends and my boyfriend.

The importance of education has always been a common thread that runs, is shared and is supported by my family and friends. Growing up, I was surrounded by people who believed in me, who supported me and helped guide me in my educational decision making. I feel it is this type of a belief and support system that has encouraged me and helped shape my learning experiences to be positive, formative and successful.

The ability to follow your educational aspirations, and achieve your goals are not always easy growing up. There are many influential aspects of life going on around you that can have a positive or negative influence on your decision making. In particular, it is difficult for students to remain on task, conduct the appropriate activities and actions to maintain a consistent educational path needed to reach their individual goals and objectives, especially with the many influential distractions that exist within day-to-day society. Distractions like your peers, pressures from school, life in general, to include the influences from the media mania world we live in. Having a positive support group around me throughout some of those turbulent times (where you feel the rug has been pulled from beneath you), can sometimes make or break achieving ones goals.

That being said, not everyone has a support group! So much so, that some students do not have anyone around them who share the same vision or values. As much I am can easily think of the positive mentoring that my family and friends have had on my educational successes, it is as important for me to know that these positive influences are not commodities that you can buy. It is important to realize not everyone is as fortunate, and that not all students had a family who share that common thread on how important it is to achieve a good education, so that your aspirations and goals can be realized.

Children, who are raised within an environment that provides positive influences, mentoring and coaching, support, and respect for the educational system, are likely to have an easier opportunity to achieve their goals. It is this type of environment that has provided me with the opportunity to receive the support I needed, when I required it, the push and debate I got, when I needed to be challenged at times, resulting in where I am today; working on my second degree, studying at McGill University, and working towards my Masters in Educational Psychology.

Educators need to provide positive mentoring and coaching support opportunities for their students, which will hopefully help support them in achieving their aspirations and goals in life, particularly for those students who do not have positive family and friend support systems in place beyond the classroom. There are many opportunities to help children reach their educational dreams, and we as future educators need to be there for them, we need to demonstrate where there are positive resources available, to include within the media mania world we live in.

1 comment:

  1. Great! You made a good connection between your private life learning and educators' roles. To make it better, I would suggest that you rethink of how to make your argument stronger by making smoother transitions among the last three paragraphs. You mentioned that all don't have the same opportunity as you do, thus educators become more important from this aspect. By using some conjunctions, you can make your position stronger.
